*Your Beginning*
You start
as this boy in PALLET TOWN that wants to become a Pokémon Trainer.
So pick up the POTION
on your COMPUTER
and go outside. You can't find PROF. OAK anywhere! But then if you go outside,
he'll run straight towards
you. Then
he gives you your first pokémon! Your RIVAL is waiting there to
bug you and to pick a pokémon himself and he
always picks
the better pokemon. So if you get a BULBASAUR, he'll settle for the CHARMANDER.
And if you got a
it would be the BULBASAUR. And if you get the CHARMANDER, he gets the SQUIRTLE.
And then when you
walk out,
it's just normal for him to battle you. But if you use that POTION, you'll
win no matter what! So go and run off to
that guy laying on the ground won't let you out of there, so you have to
get your POKEDEX first. Stop by the
Pokemart and
get OAK'S PARCEL. Then go back to the LAB and give it to OAK. Your RIVAL
will be waiting there again.
Give him the
PARCEL and he'll give you the POKEDEX. And then you're off! Go back to
VIRIDIAN CITY and explore.
You are able
to buy POKEBALLS, POTIONS, and everything else from the POKEMART now!!
Buy some
and stuff and go to VIRIDIAN FOREST. You can catch.....no, not PIDGEYS
and RATTATAS but others! (Go
page.) You'll run into 3 trainers that will have Pokémon around
L.7. When you finally get out, you will be in
There is a POKEMART, and a POKEMON CENTRE! Heal your POKEMON here, and
look around. There is
a neat MUESEUM
that has fossils of prehistioric Pokémon like KABUTOPS. It's worth
the 50 dollars!! There is a strange
building on
the side of it that you won't have access to until you get HM01. So, are
you ready to pick a fight with BROCK,
Gym leader? If you got a SQUIRTLE or a BULBASAUR, you're in luck! You've
fought only tiny Bug, Bird,
and Rodents,
that's all going to change. His LV12 GEODUDE is quite a match, and instead
of giving you a break he sends out his
ONIX, at LV14.
Once you take down the two rocks BROCK will surrender the BOLDERBADGE,
and TM34. No, the
isn't JUST a badge, it has effects on you and your Pokémon! So lets
continue this journey on ROUTE 3.
There are
8 trainers on this trail, and they've much stronger bugs with them! Be
sensible and go back to the POKEMON
CENTER after
a few bouts. Try to catch the rare JIGGLYPUFF before you head into MT.
Heal your
Pokémon and then go into MT. MOON! On the first floor there is a
handful of Youngsters, Bug
Catchers and
Lasses. Their collection grew to around 3 Pokémon, and LV9 to LV14.
Then on the second floor there are 5
ROCKETS, trying
to steal fossils from the dig. When you're almost at the end, you'll find
a SUPERNERD Guarding his two
fossils, and
if you beat him, you get to pick one! Regardless of what you pick,put it
in a safe place and don't lose it!!! Once you
leave MT.MOON
and jump over the hedge with the patch of grass, there's no turning back
to MT.MOON. So collect all the items
you find,
and catch all the Pokémon you can. But CERULEAN is where you want
to go, so don't fret.
^Cerulean City^
You're first
unique Pokémon can be caught here (SANDSHREW for Blue, EKANS for
Red)! Now, you're kinda
stuck in CERULEAN
for a little while. To get out, defeat MISTY and earn the CASCADE BADGE.
Misty is a tough water
trainer and has two Pokémon: Staryu at LV18 and Starmie at LV21.
Watch out for it's BUBBLEBEAM attack! It is
very accurate
and strong, and I sometimes got very frustrated battling her. So again,
be careful. If you beat MISTY you also get
If you don't have a POLIWHIRL, that's just a darn shame. You could of gotten
a JYNX! Or that
extremly expensive
BIKE. Boo Hoo. Let's go on now. Go to the BRIDGE. When your RIVAL shows
up, kick his butt and when
he stops whining,
he'll leave you and you will fight 5 TRAINERS and a ROCKET to win a NUGGET!
To make it cheaper, stop
by the Pokémon
CENTER to heal your Pokémon every few bouts with TRAINERS. Then
as you're going to the SEA
COTTAGE, you'll
run into 11 other TRAINERS. Free BILL the POKéMANIAC from the Pokémon
body and he will give you
Return to CERULEAN and before you go look around and gloat. Also, be wise
and sell that NUGGET- It's
worth 5,000P!
There is a house that a POLICEMAN was blocking, and now that he's moved
you can go through it. This is the
and look at it!! What a mess!!!! The man and woman of the house say that
they had an expensive HM
stolen from
them. Guess who stole it??!! TEAM ROCKET!!! There is a creep from there
standing in their backyard. There, he
shall battle
you, then when you win ( you should) He will give you the TM that has DIG
in it. Don't bother returning it to the man;
he won't even
know that you have it. Take advantage, teach it to GROWLITHE(red) or SANDSHREW(blue)!!
This will lead you
into ROUTE 5! On ROUTE 5 you can drop a Pokémon by to get leveled
up for a small fee. How Generous!!
the secret to it is 1 experience point for every step. Now, if you left
one there or not go down until you see an
PATH and a GATEHOUSE. If you try to go through the GATEHOUSE, that will
lead you to SAFFRON, but
feeling a bit thirsty, so he won't let you through. Darn. So go take the
UNDERGROUND PATH, and you'll end up
on ROUTE 6.
Catch your Pokémon here, but watch out! A few TRAINERS have pretty
powerful Pokémon! Now that you left
the competition
You ought
to be in VERMILION, unless I'm mistaken. Visit the FISHING GURU, and get
the OLD ROD. Who
cares if it
stinks? You can catch loads of MAGIKARP with it. Visit the POKéMART-
they've gotten even better! Then, Do you
remember that
stupid BIKE in CERULEAN? There is a FAN CLUB that'll give you a BIKE VOUCHER.
The BIKE Helps you
go faster.
Do you want a FARFETCH'D? If you have a SPEAROW you can get one by trading
with a little girl. Go onto the SS
Anne, and
kick some butt. I suggest you talk to everyone on board, and find every
item. When you run into your RIVAL, you're
real close
to the CAPTAIN, so take the stairway he came from, and you're in the CAPTAIN's
ROOM. You can search
and when you look into the GARBAGE CAN, you'll see that he gets seasick.
Talk to him, and you'll cure him of
After doing that, he'll give you're first Hidden Machine! Cut can, after
getting the appropriate badge, cut away small
bushes that
look diffrent than the trees, Like the one that blocked entry to the GYM.
Hopefully you've gotten everything and
battled everyone
because now, if you leave the ship, it'll take off without you. So, are
you ready for your third bout with another
Get out your best Ground Pokémon-or anything else for that matter-except
Water and Flying Pokémon. Now,
this is the
hard part about getting to LT. SURGE. Talk to the TRAINERS and they will
tell you that he's set an ELECTRICAL
LOCK that
you have to undo. Look in the GARBAGE CANS, and it'll say if there's a
SWITCH there or not. If you find one with
the second SWITCH is right next to it. Once you've undid this LOCK, the
door to LT. SURGE will open. He has
three mean
Pokémon- A LV21 VOLTORB, a LV18 PIKACHU, and a LV 24 RAICHU- Watch
out for it's THUNDERBOLT
attack! Once
you've fainted all of his Pokémon, He'll surrender the THUNDERBADGE!
Also he gives you TM24, which teaches
the skill
THUNDERBOLT! Teach it to your best Electric Pokémon- because you
have only one! Now exit the GYM, and say
solong to
VERMILLION CITY! If you continue to ROUTE 11, you notice you can't go on
to ROUTE 12, but climb up the
and find OAK'S AIDE. If you've caught 30 Pokémon, he will give you
the ITEMFINDER. Sometimes, you can't
find items
just by looking for them, because they are invisible from the screen. using
this device won't pinpoint it, but will tell you if
it's on the
screen or not. But, once you see the big huge Pokémon blocking the
road, I guess *boo hoo* you'll have to go back. Cut
through DIGLETT'S
CAVE, and you'll end up on ROUTE 2. If you have an ABRA, you can trade
it for a MR. MIME. ABRAS
are very common,
but hard to catch. I will tel you how in the TIPS & TRICKS page. And
before you carry on to LAVENDER
TOWN, Grab
HM05 From that AIDE. So go back through DIGLETT'S CAVE, and proceed back
that you have
the CUT ability, that little BUSH leading to ROUTE 9, CUT that little nuisance
down!!! Enter the BURGLED
HOUSE, and
the place where the path east of where the GYM is, that is where the bush
is, in case you wondered. There is a
good splattering
of trainers here- Good practice for your Pokémon! Then when you
finally get to the entrance of ROCK
TUNNEL, equip
one of your Pokémon with HM05, and carry on into ROCK TUNNEL!
It's trainer
heck here, so visit the POKéMON CENTER when you're in a dilemma.
Of Course, you will need
HM05, or you're
going to bump into walls. And Trainers can even see you in the dark of
the tunnel without the HM, But they
always have
Rock Pokemon or SLOWPOKE. And when You're out of ROCK TUNNEL, Go south
and you're in LAVENDER
If you talk
to the TRAINERS in the area, they are talking about the recent hauntings
that had been
Visit the POKéMON CENTRE, and heal you're Pokémon. REVIVE
is the new (but expensive) thing here, so try to buy
one if you
can for emergencies. And, did you ever nickname a Pokémon and started
to regret it? The NAME RATER will change
for you, except when the Pokémon is traded. If you go explore POKéMON
TOWER, you wont find anything that you
can catch
without the SILPH SCOPE so don't even bother.The TRAINERS talking about
MR. FUJI say that he's gone. Gee, you
wonder where
he went.....? But since there is nothing to do here, take the trail to
the west. This trail is none other than ROUTE 8.
It is also
splattered with TRAINERS. Since the GUARD at SAFFRON won't let you through,
PATH that
leads straight to CELADON CITY! This wil lead you to ROUTE 7,which isn't
much but a plot of land that has some
very rare
Pokémon in the little patch of grass. And walk to to the path on
the right, And you're in CELADON CITY!
is known for its huge DEPARTMENT STORE and GAME CORNER. Seeing how
much you can
do here, you'll be here for a while. It's rumored that the GAME CORNER
is run by TEAM ROCKET. So while
you're in
town, why don't you mix business with pleasure and pay them a visit? If
you went into CELADON MANSION and saw
that solitary
room, go to the east of CELADON CITY and when you're in the back of the
around for
a hidden doorway. You will have access to that solitary room, and inside
is a man that talks about the GAME LINK
CABLE. Anyways,
the POKéBALL on the table contains a rare Pokémon indeed,
EEVEE! Then, Visit the DEPT. STORE and
on the second
floor, buy whatever you want, For the Fourth Floor, Buy a POKéDOLL,
On the Fifth floor, buy whatever you want,
and on the
ROOFTOP, Get a DRINK (for the GUARD.) from the VENDING MACHINES. Now this
is up to you, whatever
you want to
do first. Then Check out the whole
city, you have all the time in the world.
You can either beat ERIKA at the GYM,
or check out
the GAME CORNER. If you have a grass or a water Pokémon, I suggest
going to the GAME CORNER first,
because it
provides expierence before you face ERIKA. But if you have a fire Pokémon,
you can go face ERIKA whenever you
want to. But
if you have a COIN CASE, go score some COINS!!! If you see the ROCKET Guarding
the POSTER, Talk to him
and he will
fight you! He will then leave and then examine the POSTER. There is a SWITCH
under it! Push it, and then go to the
door that
opens. And, when you go inside, you're in the ROCKET BASEMENT!! Always
try to fight the ROCKETS, because
when you talk
to them after they sing like birds. One will drop the LIFT KEY on B4. There
you will find GIOVANNI, The leader
of the ROCKETS!
Kick butt, make him cough up the SILPH SCOPE, and then haul butt outta
that GAME CORNER, so you can
face ERIKA!
CUT down the BUSH, and proceed into the GYM. Flame Pokémon work
best, but anything else is fine except for
Water, Electric,
Ground and other Plants. Erika has a LV29 VICTREEVBEL, A LV24 TANGELA,
watch out
for MEGA DRAIN! After kicking butt, ERIKA will give you the attractive
free to explore the rest of the city now, because you're going back to
With the SILPH
SCOPE in hand, it's time to tackle POKéMON TOWER. The Ghost Pokémon
in here
might seem
a little hard to defeat at first, but Psychic Pokémon seem to work
best. And if you're lucky, you might come to also
see the rare
CUBONE. Your RIVAL is on the second floor, while on the third, fourth,
and fifth floor they're all CHANNELERS.
And on the
seventh floor, There are three ROCKETS and MR. FUJI. So while you're climbing
Pokémon Tower, collecting items
and kicking
butt, the strange square on the fifth floor will fully heal you're Pokémon.
And the ghost that was haunting Lavender
Town was the
Mother Marowak's spirit that was unsetteled by her brutal death caused
by TEAM ROCKET. Defeating her is an
act of compassion
that will send her sprit to rest at last. Talk to MR. FUJI, that was at
the top of POKéMON TOWER. MR.
FUJI will
now give you the POKéFLUTE for saving him, so, off to SAFFRON CITY!!
Give the GUARD in the GATEHOUSE
you purchased, and you're past all of them and into SAFFRON CITY!
is nestled in the heart of Pokemon country, and is the largest city in
the land. It seems that TEAM ROCKET has taken over, and many of the places
that serve a good purpose are blocked off, including the GYM. But one isn't
blocked, and it's still a GYM. It's called the FIGHTING DOJO. This used
to be a gym for Fighting Pokemon, but there wasn't enough space for 2 gyms.
Sabrina's Gym, who rivaled them, went and creamed them, so they were demoted
to just a DOJO. They're still pretty tough though! But instead of a BADGE,
you get a rare fighting Pokémon!You have to choose from the Hard
kicking HITMONLEE, or the punchy Pokémon HITMONCHAN. Both are equal,
so take your time. Visit MR. PSYCHIC's house to get TM29, PSYCHIC. I suggest
teaching it to your EXEGGCUTE. There is a ROCKET sleeping next to the door
of SILPH CO. SILPH CO. hosts some of the finest minds in the world, and
TEAM ROCKET seems to be here in full force, trying to find their latest
product, the MASTER BALL! SILPH CO. is littered with ITEM BALLS and TRAINERS,
and a EMPLOYEE even gives you a LAPRAS! Without the KEY CARD, you have
to use the TELEPORT PADS. The KEY CARD is on the FIFTH FLOOR, and inbetween
two TELEPORT PADS. Once you have the KEY CARD, you can now venture farther
for items, and talk to the EMPLOYEES. Once you see the EMPLOYEE next to
the bed, she'll heal your Pokémon, so you know you're getting close
to something different, so take her offer to heal your Pokémon,
and remember to visit her if you need to. Use the KEY CARD to get through
the door on the upper left, and when you fight the ROCKET, take the TELEPORT
PAD. So I guess the second you come in this room, you're wondering, "Why
the heck is my RIVAL here?!" Why didn't he do anything to stop TEAM ROCKET?!
We all will never know, so kick his sorry butt and talk to the EMPLOYEE,
who will give you a LAPRAS! So what if this LAPRAS is at LV15? You didn't
have to catch it yourself! Take the bottom TELEPORT PAD and you are on
the 11th and final floor! When you fight the final ROCKET in this building,
open the door, and the person causing all this trouble is GIOVANNI!!!!
This time, he's added a decent NIDORAN to his arsenal, so watch out for
poisoning! But if you found your RIVAL pretty wuss-like, GIOVANNI will
be also. So, with the menace vanquished again, you'll get a great reward,
the MASTER BALL!!! But you only get one, so don't waste it. You can either
fight SABRINA now, or return once you've beaten KOGA (that's really the
order of badges). SABRINA'S Pokémon are stronger, so I suggest you
come back later. Go to LAVENDER TOWN, and go to the SPORT FISHING AREA.
These branches
of docks are littered with FISHERMEN and such, and if you've been actually
battling, fighting them should be a breeze to take out. Wake and catch
the SNORLAX in the road (you only have two chances to catch it) , using
preferably a ULTRA BALL. Hopefully, you saved one. If not, buy a lot of
GREAT BALLS. but don't use POKéBALLS, they're way too weak. Wake
the SNORLAX, and then enter the FISHING GURU'S HOUSE. This guy's giving
a SUPER ROD away! You can catch many things with it. Try it out! As you
enter ROUTE 13, You will be forced to battle a TRAINER that wants nothing
but to welcome you to this path. Hopefully you've brought a Pokémon
equipped with HM01, because there's many trees that can be CUT down. The
TRAINERS here are fierce, with Pokémon around the LV30 mark. It's
very good for raising expierence, and when you're in FUSCHIA CITY, you'll
need it. Go to ROUTE 14, and 15, all littered with TRAINERS,and pass the
gatehouse and you're in FUSCHIA CITY! Right under the GATEHOUSE, There
are three TRAINERS and a patch of grass that has many second-level Pokémon
that can be useful. There is also a way through CYCLING ROAD, but you need
a BIKE and a Pokéflute. The FLY HM is also there if you CUT down
a bush, and enter through the building at the side of the GATEHOUSE. There
on the other side, a little girl will give it to you(girls do everything
around here....) Go down CYCLING ROAD, which is littered with BIKERS. These
dudes are the people that like fighting and poison Pokémon. Do be
careful! When your finally down the slope, you can relax, and get out of
CYCLING ROAD at last! And if you missed it, there is a TRAINER that wants
to trade a rare LICKITUNG for a lesser SLOWBRO. So if you don't already
have one, later in the walkthrough I will tell you how to. Walk towards
the Pokémon Center and heal your Pokémon, and now you have
the option of going to the SAFARI ZONE, where you can get 2 HMs, but we'll
get to that later. You can go check out the latest products at the Pokémart.
You can also go to KOGA's GYM, but I don't really recommend it because
you should level up your Pokémon, because he is a real tough trainer.
And, you can also pick up the latest scoop by wandering around........+_+
Well, first, we should tackle the SAFARI ZONE. Many Pokémon are
there, and some are exclusively found only here, like KANGASKHAN, SCYTHER,
and PINSIR. The person at the gate gives you 30 SAFARI BALLS, and all the
BAIT and ROCKS you'll need to catch those little suckers! But here's the
catch; You have to pay 500 gold to get in! Go in. The SAFARI ZONE is plentiful
of trainers that do not want to fight, Pokémon, and items. The SECRET
HOUSE is the place you want to find: In that area of the SAFARI ZONE, HM03(SURF),
and the GOLD TEETH. Eeeew! They may seem gross and useless, but give them
to the SAFARI WARDEN, he'll pop them in, and be able to talk to you. He'll
give you the HM04(STRENGTH)! Maybe those gross teeth were actually worth
picking up.............+_+ Next, the GYM. Really, you should of leveled
up your Pokémon by now, so enter. These dudes like poison and psychic
Pokémon, so hopefully you know what to do. There are Invisible walls,
so, when you think you're incredibly close to him, he is blocked off. Look
for gaps in the walls, and TRAINERS will be hanging around, so always be
ready with a few ANTIDOTES, and if you want to be safe, more ANTIDOTES.
Go back and forth from the GYM to the POKéMON CENTER, if you don't
want to lose half of your money. And Finally, when you reach KOGA, He has
a special surprise. He has a LV37 KOFFING, a LV30 MUK, another LV37 KOFFING,
and a LV43 WEEZING. Be careful with him, his TOXIC technique is a disaster
waiting to happen. The Poison effects get worse as the battle progresses
if he manages to hit you with TOXIC. But kick that guy's sorry butt and
he'll give you the SOUL BADGE, which raises your Pokémon's abilities
and allows you to use SURF. So, check out all the other neat places in
FUSCHIA CITY, and head south of the POKéMON CENTER, where there
is a slope that you go down, until you hit water. You should have already
equipped your Pokemon with SURF and STRENGTH by now, so don't even TRY
to pull the "I forgot" trick. Bring an ESCAPE ROPE, and a Pokémon
equipped with FLY. Open a new BOX in your COMPUTER, and grab the best POKéBALLS
you can buy. Anything else can turn into a very necessary necessity, so
be Prepared, as boy scouts say. Facing the water, use the SURF equipped
Pokémon to sail through the water like a boat. There are many SWIMMERS,that
have water Pokémon. For best effects, bring a electric Pokémon
with you to give the competition a little surprise. But, you're destination
is SEAFOAM ISLANDS, so carry on, stop procrastinating. When you get to
SEAFOAM, you will need that ESCAPE ROPE. Enter the ISLAND. There are many
Pokémon, including SLOWBRO. So, go back to the GATEHOUSE whn you
have caught all the critters, and trade the SLOWBRO for the LICKITUNG.
But anyways, let's go into SEAFOAM.
This is a network of caves that
are very confusing. When you come to a certain spot, you will need to
push some boulders with STRENGTH
into holes to change currents. Just keep wandering around until you find
a screen with
about 6 or 7 boulders and push someof
them into the holes (one each). Then you can catch the 1st legendary bird,
ARTICUNO is an ice and flying type
Pokémon, so it is weak against fire, rock, and electric types. Lower
it's energy to a mere
sliver, and keep throwing GREAT
or ULTRA BALLS at it until you catch it. And like with SNORLAX, don't even
try to use sissy
MASTER BALL EVEN IF YOUR DESPERATE!!!! You need to save it for a stronger
Pokémon. But we'll discuss
that near the end of this walk through. I recommend to use the duplicating
trick that I put in the TIPS
AND TRICKS section with the MASTER BALL, so that dumb bird will
be a cinch to catch. But, if you're that desperate not to
cheat..........^_^ Go on ahead,
because that's very honorable!
^00^*You must not be honorable* Hey,
WHO invited you?! *YOU did.* Then shaddup! *Shock* Oh, that's my Pokémon,
Pikachu. Be happy you are not in
real Pokémon World. *WHAT DID YOU SAY?!* Aw, shaddup!^00^
Anyways, he will interupt again.
I am working on a brace to wire the rodent's muzzle shut, but it might
not be done in time. He
meant I like to cheat. This is true,
but I am still eligible of the title of Pokémon Master. Now where
was I? Oh yeah. Once you
have caught all the Pokémon
you can find there, use the ESCAPE ROPE you should of brought there. You
will be lifted back to
the POKéMON CENTER, where
you will now FLY to SAFFRON CITY, and face SABRINA.
**Saffron City**
a secluded girl that I suppose craves Privacy. You must go from TELEPORT
PAD to
to get to her. It's simple though. First, go to the only TELEPORT PAD in
the room, and then in the second
room, go straight
to the lower right TELEPORT PAD, and then go to the upper right TELEPORT
PAD, and then to the upper left
and then the lower left TELEPORT PAD. All in all, counterclockwise.Keep
doing this until you reach a girl in
a dress that
doesn't notice you when you pass by her. Talk to her and now you are going
to face a Psychic Pokémon Master!
Make sure
you have strong Pokémon of anything but the Ghost, Psychic and Fighting
Type, because she'll turn them into a cream
puff with
her arsenal of LV38 KADABRA, LV37 MR. MIME, a LV38 VENOMOTH, and a LV43
back to FUSCHIA,
and then to PALLET TOWN with lots of water Pokémon, one equipped
with SURF, and of course, one
equipped with
FLY. Surf south of PALLET TOWN to CINNABAR ISLAND, your next destination.
is a small island, that can be very useful. There is an abandoned LAB,
an active LAB, a GYM, and of course a POKéMON Center and a POKéMART.
But what is this? The GYM is locked! I wonder where the KEY is. Since this
IS a walkthrough, The KEY is in the burnt out LAB. This is the place where
Pokémon have inhabited it like a house, and it's a site of PONYTA,
MUK, and other sorts. Items are scattered every where, hidden in posts,
and in POKéBALLS. Some posts have switches in them, that when pushed
affect the entire place. It is filled with SCIENTISTS and ROBBERS waiting
for a good fight. Push all the SWITCHES in a strategic order from left
to right, and when you need to jump off a ledge, it is the one farthest
to the right you need to jump off of. Once your on the right floor, go
right to left. This may seem confusing, but you'll get in the hang of things
after a while. Once you find the item called the SECRET KEY, you'll be
sailing smooth. Find a way out(I suggest using another ESCAPE ROPE) and
once you're outta of that old LAB we go to number 2. Go to the Newer Pokémon
research lab, and get those fossils that were given to you by the SUPERNERD
back at MT MOON. A dude wih bad grammar (or important doctor) will take
the fossil from you and resurrect it back to life. With the HELIX FOSSIL
you will get an OMANYTE. With the DOME FOSSIL you will get a KABUTO. Both
are at LV30. They are useful against the GYM LEADER here, who is BLAINE,
and they are one of a kind! There are many traders that have useful Pokémon
to give you, But there is nothing you can't get youreslf. Next, go to the
GYM. With the SECRET KEY in hand,you may think it will be a cinch now to
get him to whimper, but it's more complicated than KOGA's, which was pretty
complicated.You need to beat TRAINER after TRAINER to get to him. BLAINE
is a tough trainer, that must have been training since he was a kid. BLAINE
has a tough arsenal of fire Pokémon. The Pokémon he uses
are fierce and of the fire type. The first is a LV42 GROWLITHE, a LV40
PONYTA, a LV42 RAPIDASH, and a LV47 ARCANINE. Your best bet are water and
rock Pokémon to be at the least risk of losing. Once he's all "washed
up", it's time to get that FOSSIL that you gave to the scientist dude to
resurrect. If the number of Pokémon you're holding is maxed to the
limit, they will automatically go to the PC.
%^*Power Plant*^%
Now, go and grab your best GROUND
Pokémon, a Pokémon equipped with FLY and a Pokémon
equipped with CUT, and a Pokémon equipped with SURF, and head to
CERULEAN CITY with all the ULTRA BALLS you can buy, and head to the BURGLED
HOUSE, go out the back way, and take the east exit. CUT down the bush blocking
your way, and fight the spared once before TRAINERS on your way. Now it
would be a crying shame if you got defeated by a TRAINER here, because
they wouldn't be a challenge even if you were still at ROCK TUNNEL. You
will appear at a patch of grass. Go towards the water, and SURF to the
right, and down, until you appear at a large building. This building is
the POWER PLANT, and is inhabited with Pokémon, just like the house
on CINNABAR ISLAND, just with electric Pokémon instead of fire.
In the red version you can find the moderately strong ELECTABUZZ, but in
the other blue version, you can't find anything unique here, it's just
the MAGMAR in the CINNABAR HOUSE. But there is one Pokémon that
is unique and one of a kind in both versions; the legendary ZAPDOS! Search
the POWER PLANT for numerous items and Pokémon. But be careful.
VOLTORBS can easily be mistaken for a Pokéball, and so what looks
like a Pokéball can just as easily be a LV40 Voltorb. Once you get
to individual Pokémon that looks like a bird, you have found the
second Legendary bird ZAPDOS. Talk to it, and you will have the chance
to battle it. Get your best ROCK Pokémon out and get ready for a
rough battle. This bird is the same as ARTICUNO, but of the Flying/Electric
type. So this is why you need to get out a Rock Pokémon, at about
LV40 or so. Use it's best rock or ground attacks and lower it's energy
to a sliver, and throw all the ULTRA BALLS and GREAT BALLS you have at
it. Once again you must NOT USE POKéBALLS OR your MASTER BALL unless
you have a duplicating trick on the MASTER BALL. Once you have caught it,
there is a little exit at the side that lets you out at the entrance.
^00^ *-_- zzz... snore* Hey! Wake
up! *snore...zzz* Geez, do I always have to do this?! WAKE UP!!!!*I'm
up! I'm up!*
Listen you half-wit rodent! (Yes,
Pikachu is a RODENT, not a Mouse or Rat.) *Your boring walkthrough... works
like a charm compared to a lullaby* I'm almost to Gym Leader No. 8 you
moron! Listen up! ^00^
*^*^ Viridian
City Again?!^*^* FLY to VIRIDIAN CITY. You may think this city is not worthy
to again see your face but think
again. Now,
the GYM is open and running. Grab your best water and ground Pokémon
and brace for the hardest battle so far!
This GYM is
is a "lovely friend" of
yours, that
has caused trouble twice before. Oh yes, it is your "dear friend" GIOVANNI!
This time his arsenal is bigger and
badder than
it will ever be! He has a LV45 RHYHORN, a LV42 DUGTRIO, a LV43 NIDOQUEEN,
a LV45 NIDOKING, and
Water Pokémon can wipe out some of his Pokémon easy, they
just need to be able to withstand his attacks!
Ground Pokémon
can wipe out the Nido-couple, and there is one little move that can mess
you up even with the strongest
at your side, and that move is FISSURE. FISSURE'S weakness though is that
it has absolutely no accuracy, so the
chances are
slim that it will even touch your Pokémon. He gives this move to
you at the end of the battle when he is defeated, so
when you teach
it to a Pokémon, boost it with a few X ACCURACYs before you use
the ultimate technique. Again GIOVANNI
will disappear
into thin air, and you are left hanging thinking "Where do I go next?".
Well do you remember that girl in one of the
CENTERS talking about a thin path leading to the POKéMON LEAGUE
HQ? Your at the right of that path so go
left until
you come upon a slim path leading to a building. It'll say it on the TOWN
MAP where your heading. It's below the
Gives you a clue? Go there. But wait, a wuss is coming out of the building........
a very familiar wuss, a
wuss from
PALLET TOWN! Guess who? Yep, your stinky old RIVAL. He's already beaten
the People in the building, and wants
to give you
a taste of what's to come. Kick his sorry hide and skidaddle in to the